The beginning of life starts within the family. It protects; nurtures and spreads its wings of love, to embrace and connect everyone to the root of life that enables us all to be born on this Earth. On a special occasion commemorated annually by the United Nations (UN) and its affiliated organizations, the International Day of Families represent a symbol of hope that reminds us of this origin and connection, and the future that we may all endeavour towards. This year’s celebration in Auckland commenced on the 16th of May at Quality Hotel, Parnell as a Family Forum with the theme “Creating a Culture of Peace through the Family.” It involved the coming of renowned government representatives from Qatar, Ambassador Dr Mutlaq Majed Al-Qahtani, Director of Department of International Organizations and Conferences; along with Counsellor Ali Al-Khater, former Ambassador of Qatar for Croatia. Their attendance has undoubtedly pushed forward the aspirations that the event wishes to accomplish, and represents a remarkable determination and faith by the Qatar government to extend itself towards the movement for families, peace and harmony here in Auckland; one that Universal Peace Federation New Zealand (UPF-NZ) has been championing ever since its conception.


Honoured by the coming of Their Excellencies, Ambassador Dr Mutlaq Majed Al-Qahtani and Counsellor Ali Al-Khater, UPF-NZ arranged a special gathering the day before the event commenced at Parnell Peace Embassy, Auckland. It was an elegantly-prepared formal dinner, preceded by a special presentation of UPF’s core principles and areas of focus; given by UPF Oceania Secretary General, Rev Gregory Stone in order to foster stronger ties and cooperation between UPF and the Qatar government. It was a beautiful evening that emanated resplendent atmosphere in the presence of our honorary guests.

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Participants of the evening dinner and presentation at Parnell Peace Embassy.


The following day after the exquisite banquet, the UN International Day of Families event established its presence at Quality Hotel, Parnell where a classroom-style conference took place in order to share and discuss the importance of family, along with its role in promoting global peace and harmony. UPF-NZ Secretary General, Mr Geoffrey Fyers was the MC for the graceful afternoon forum, and the event started off with the singing of national anthems of New Zealand and Qatar, in order to acknowledge the presence of our special guests who travelled significant distance to join this year’s celebration with UPF Family in New Zealand.

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The overview of the afternoon forum.


Rev Jon Winder then opened the proceeding with an interfaith prayer, and he was followed by the meaningful Maori welcome by Pastor Bill Tangariki, along with the reading of UN and UPF Statements for the International Day of Families by Mr Geoffrey Fyers. Solemnity filled up the room throughout the early proceedings, as the audience carefully stilled the atmosphere with their respect and willingness to be guided slowly, until the speakers take their stand and impart their views and knowledge on the foundation, roles and importance of the family.

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Rev Jon Winder starting the proceeding with an interfaith opening prayer.

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Mr Geoffrey Fyers hosting the afternoon conference and reading the official statements.

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Pastor Bill Tangariki giving an official welcome on behalf of the native Maori people of Aotearoa.













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Rev Gregory Stone delivering a message on family based on UPF Principles.

An introductory video presentation of UPF was then shown to the audience, after which Rev Gregory Stone took the central stage and gave his presentation on the core principles of UPF with regards to the family. He wisely pointed out the connection of the dual characteristics that prevails in the universe, with the very fundamental duality that forms the family. He then slowly explained that UPF and its founder considers the family as the school of love, where we are meant to grow in our capacity to love, through the four stages or spheres of love that can only be found within the family; children’s love towards their parents, siblings’ love towards one another, conjugal love between the spouses and finally the parental love, upon which there is an increasing level of selflessness and responsibility. Family members serve one another and form a culture of living for the sake of others, which are crucial in creating peace and harmony. Because the orders in the family closely resembles the natural order of the universe, the family acts as a crucial unit cell, whose every aspect serves as a template for the society, nation and world to follow if the wider realms wish to exist with the same radiant positivity that the ideal family provides. Rev Stone then points out the various scriptures’ teachings on the importance of family as the common ideal that we all share despite our beliefs and backgrounds; before closing his presentation by reminding us of the challenges that we have to face together in order to bring these ideals to reality.


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Dr James Prescott sharing his works and views on families.

The next speaker who came to deliver a message on family was Dr James Prescott, Board Member of Families Commission New Zealand. He believes that the well-being of family units acts as the backbone and provides stability of a country. It is through family that an individual’s physical, material, social and emotional needs are met, and it is only when this happens that the community as a whole is stabilized. He acknowledges the problems that many societies face at family level, which is why the Families Commission he represents constantly tries to solve the various complex problems that many families encounter in New Zealand.





In between the speakers, the audience was captivated by talented performers that the event had to offer. The first was the ever-present Mr Jeffery Nathan, one of UPF-NZ’s very own Ambassador For Peace (AFP) who sang a traditional Maori song splendidly along with his faithful guitar. The second was a brilliant cello and piano classical performance by Ms Lisa Chung and Mr Peter Tomek, both of whom had reaped prestigious individual awards in their career as musicians. Everyone present couldn’t help feeling enchanted by the melodious strokes and voices that the performers were able to express within the elegance of the afternoon event.

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Mr Jeffery Nathan performing a traditional song that beautifies the ambience.

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Talented duo, Ms Lisa Chung and Mr Peter Tomek, being introduced to the audience before giving a mesmerizing classical performance.













Then, the event proceeded to honour new Ambassador For Peace, Dr Mutlaq Majed Al-Qahtani for the works he has been dedicating himself for the purpose of peace and security all around the world. In the later segments of the event, an exchange of gifts took its place between the representatives of UPF and Qatar government.

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A token of appreciation given by Dr Mutlaq, representing Qatar government to Rev Gregory Stone, representing UPF.


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Mr Al-Sharif Fadhil introducing Dr Mutlaq in greater details to the audience.

The last speaker for the event, Dr Mutlaq, was first introduced formally to the audience by Mr Al-Sharif Fadhil, AFP and President of Arab Centre for International Relations. It was through Mr Fadhil’s constant dedication and unyielding efforts under the guidance and support of UPF-NZ Director, Rev Julius Gicole that UPF-NZ was able to host members of Qatar government this time. He took the opportunity to list down some of Dr Mutlaq’s decorated qualifications, which include a doctorate in Public International Law in UK and Master of Laws in USA; and his professional experiences which include Chief De Cabinet at the Presidency of 66th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, USA from September 2011 – September 2012.




Dr Mutlaq first addressed the importance of family as a platform that promotes healthy relationships and teaches open-mindedness, interfaith dialogue and a culture of democracy, where understanding differences supersedes the contrary. As all speakers agree in unison, this importance transcends the family level in itself and acts as a foundation for national stability and international co-existence. He then focused on the topic of peace and stability, one which he feels needs to be addressed through dialogue, compliance of international law and respect of human rights. Families cannot thrive naturally when faced with the many human-created problems we see in the world we live in; be it in the form of poverty, violence or environmental problems. As the Director of Department of International Organizations and Conferences for Qatar, Dr Mutlaq sees dialogue as the peaceful solution to create supportive environment that everyone hopes to achieve and live in with one another.

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Ambassador Dr Mutlaq Majed Al-Qahtani giving his message as part of his participation in the event.


After the speakers have taken their turns to present, Mr Geoffrey Fyers opened the floor for any questions that they may ask to the speakers. Engaging exchanges of ideas and explanation flowed from the speakers to the audience.

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Panel of speakers responding the Q&A session.


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Rev Julius Gicole presenting the closing remark for the event.

Upon its completion, Rev Julius Gicole stood up to give some closing remarks for the event. He concluded that the reason why we all came over to attend the forum was because of the intrinsic bond that we all have as One Family Under God. Although there are various factors that contribute to our comings, this invisible bond constantly draws us closer to one another, sometimes beyond our own understanding; and it is powerful enough to enable us to have special delegates all the way from Qatar to participate and share this connection that we long to make with one another. Whenever we meet, we feel the undeniable sense of belonging and familiarity that cannot be explained with simple words or thinking. He was also able to impart the importance of 3Ls that Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon, founder of UPF, had taught all of us about; Life, Love and Lineage; all of which can all only be realized fully within the family. On this International Day of Families, he hopes that we will never underestimate its importance; and work together to bring about a united front of ideal families, wherever we may be.


Mr Joon Ki Kim and Ms Shim Gicole then gave one last performance for the audience to appreciate and discern the embedded meaning of the family within, as they sang Where Peace Begins harmoniously together. Before the session closes officially, Mr Geoffrey Fyers invited everyone to stand and hold hands together, as he reads meaningful words of wisdom on the family by Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon. As the beautiful music gently flowed and everyone held their hands together, we had come to realize the messages that the event tried to convey beyond the foundation of words and wisdom that it had established earlier; giving a sense of foreboding hope and inner comfort to walk towards the ideal and peaceful future we envision together, centering upon the family.

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Mr Joon Ki Kim and Ms Shim Gicole performing Where Peace Begins together.

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Participants and speakers holding their hands together to celebrate the International Day of Families


Upon the completion of the event, endless positive feelings overflowed the entire hall. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to commemorate this year’s UN International Day of Families with one another, including our honorary guests who came a far distance from Qatar. Words are surely inadequate to express our immense gratitude for their efforts and dedications to spend their precious time with us, but we truly hope that we will not forget the bonds we were able to appreciate with one another, and carry on the things we’ve learned and felt, to create our own little paradise; in the most fundamental institution in life called the Family.

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One of the many group photos of the various participants of the UN International Day of Families 2015 in Auckland, New Zealand.

– Photos courtesy of Barry Noel;   Written by Andrew Halim