The Unification Movement in New Zealand was grateful to commemorate the 4th Universal Seonghwa Anniversary of its beloved founder, Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon; more intimately known as Father Moon, True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The commemoration took place in the afternoon of Saturday, 20th of August at Quality Hotel Parnell, Auckland and was attended by about 100 family members, Ambassadors For Peace, and guests. As we were linked by Father Moon’s invisible thread of love, there was much unity, reverence and joyful sharing of the great achievements that Father Moon had accomplished during his lifetime on Earth.


Even though a few hours of testimonies wouldn’t be enough to encompass fully the multitude of selfless initiatives Father Moon had founded, this year’s commemoration in New Zealand highlighted three important areas of his works: Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Leda Project, and the Blessing Movement. Each segment was preluded by a performance and a video presentation, after which a talk was given by a relevant speaker. The event was hosted by Mrs Felicity Cairns, Chairwoman of WFWP-NZ and co-ordinated by Mrs Sami Lee, Vice-Chairwoman of WFWP-NZ.


After watching a video on Father Moon’s vision and mission for UPF, Rev Rob McKay, an Anglican Priest and AFP, gave his testimony of Father Moon as someone who had overcome all manners of hardships, sufferings and persecutions in his journey to live for God and for the sake of others.


The next segment covered Father Moon’s initiatives on developing rural areas, including the Leda Project in Paraguay. It drew attention from the President of Paraguay himself as it could potentially be a sustainable way of living for the future. Mr Geoffrey Fyers, UPF-NZ Secretary General, then shared his experience of living a selfless life in Zambia at his young age. Accompanied by his wife from Japan, Mrs Miyuki Fyers, they took care of many Zambian people by building houses and schools from scratch, teaching them how to farm as a means for sustainable living, and giving them some basic educations. They carried the heart of Father Moon, who wanted to help every person on Earth, regardless of their race, religion, and background.


The last segment was given firstly by Rev Adel Jamati, Director of Unification Movement in New Zealand. He gave a thorough summary of Father Moon’s life and the revelation he received from Jesus in the form of the Divine Principle. This led to the subsequent Blessing Movement, which Rev Adel feels is Father Moon’s greatest achievement. He also shared what Father Moon had revealed on where we are in the providential history; that is the era of the 2nd of the Three Great Blessings: to form ideal, Godly families. With that in mind, he was succeeded by Mrs Janne Sawada. She gave her family’s testimony of the Blessing and its traditions, which has been passed down through three generations in her family. Truly, we are blessed in many ways as a result of Father Moon’s great works and sacrifice in his lifetime.


As a prelude to the speakers, participants of the Seonghwa were fortunate to witness delightful vocal performances in honor of Father Moon. The first one was offered by Sunhak Choir, which was initiated by Mother Moon in 2006 and brought into fruition led by Mrs Eli Iversen. In its maiden public performance, a cappella rendition of Saranghae was sung by young members of the Movement in order to share Father Moon’s favorite song to everyone. The subsequent two were offered by our dedicated professional guest performers, Liukava Fulivai and David Williams, who sang a duet rendition of The Prayer and No More Night beautifully.


To close the event, we were all led to sing Arirang together as a symbol of unity in memory of our cherished Father Moon. We were then closed in prayer by Mr Geoffrey Prentice, Director of UPF-NZ, to also mark a time of jolly sharing with one another centering on the life and works of Father Moon.


Although another year has passed since Father Moon departed to the Spirit World, we are in constant reminder of the legacy he has left us, and the teachings we embody in our daily lives. We shall carry on his spirit in all capacities that we have, and we hope that the dream he has shown us will one day manifest itself, as the Kingdom of Heaven we long to create on Earth together.


– Photos courtesy of Barry Noel;   Written by Andrew Halim